Elizabeth Ekpetorson, b. 1991 (Nigeria)
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Elizabeth’s Biography
Elizabeth Chioma Ekpetorson born on the 16th day of April 1991, is a non-binary artist from Nigeria, and holds a Painting degree from the University of Port Harcourt. After a season of Internship at the Universal Studios of Art Lagos Nigeria, they rolled an independent practice. Their figurative work body is about self-acceptance, women, and other subject matters catalysed by the swift response to creative impulses on human issues. They are currently based in Lagos Nigeria, where their works are developed from their home studio.
Selected Exhibitions:
2021: “Different Shades of Being”, National Museum Onikan, Lagos, Nigeria.
2019: Tripple-A. “Live and Let Soar” ( Debut solo exhibition).
2021: The Content IV, Adam and Eve, Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria.
2021: Group Art Exhibition Belvoire Gallery, Leicester, United Kingdom
2021: “Real life is fragile “. Thinkspace Art gallery, Los Angeles, California, USA
2021: “Colours of Uprising”, Posh Cafe, Lagos, Nigeria.
2021: “The Persistence of Time”, Artpedia, Lagos State, Nigeria.
2020: “Contemplations”, Virtual exhibition, Legacy Empire Gallery, Texas, USA.
2020: “Forms and Figures”, Art Village Gallery, Memphis, USA.
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